Lenten Meditations
You are invited to contribute to our annual parish daily reflections for the season of Lent, which will be compiled into a book of Lenten Meditations. This book will be available beginning Sunday, March 2, in church, the office and on our website. If you are interested in contributing a reflection, or two, you can find full copies of the 40 specific meditation passages by day here. You can see which days are available, and sign up for the day(s) you would like, online here. If the "Writer’s Name" column is blank, add your name next to the specific day you are selecting. Please note that we again will be making this year’s book available publicly via our website. The last column of the sign-up sheet asks for permission on how to attribute your contribution(s). Written reflections are due on Sunday, February 23rd. All are welcome to contribute! Please consider lending your voice and your perspective to this creative project. Contact Minister for Adult Formation Alice Kochunov with any questions (alice.j.landis@gmail.com). If you’re curious about what types of writings are contributed, you can read last year’s meditations here.