Who We Are

About Us

We are a community committed to the flourishing of the whole person. We gather around bible study and yoga, holy meals and humble potlucks, service events and life transitions. We're a community that loves to celebrate but knows how to grieve together. We're people more comfortable with big questions than pat answers. We believe that a loving God is at the heart of our lives and that we are called to be with one another, ourselves, and creation with great presence and profound peace. That said, you don’t have to believe to experience belonging here.

How We Gather

For Worship: In addition to Sunday Services, we offer outdoor and expansive language services throughout the year.

For Joy: We delight in the company of one another and of God, and the wonder of the natural world! We come together to mark the crossing of thresholds, to accompany one another on sacred hikes, and to share meals, laughter, and life. 

For Celebration: We gather every Wednesday for a family-friendly community dinner truly open to all. Come be nourished by sharing a delicious meal, enjoy an oasis of unstructured time, and delight in making unexpected connections. 

For Solidarity: We join our LGBTQ+ neighbors at Silicon Valley PRIDE to affirm our shared belovedness in the image of God. Our assisting priest, Rev. Cal, is always happy to meet with fellow members of the LGBTQ+ community over coffee. Click here to read more about our open and affirming identity as a parish family, and how to schedule a free coffee with our queer priest! 

For Service: We come together to pack meals, arrange blood drives, gather goods for those most in need, and volunteer with local organizations. Our monthly food drive supports our local Community Services Agency, and the parish Outreach Committee also provides grants to local, national and international groups working for justice and peace in the world.

Mission Statement

Nurturing the minds and hearts of Silicon Valley

Jesus says, “Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.” At Christ Episcopal Church, we nurture the minds and hearts of people living in Silicon Valley. Join us as we grow into Christ’s message of love and reconciliation.

As an Episcopal Church, we value scripture, reason, and tradition as the classic sources of reliable information. This means that we look to the text for truth; to our tradition for guidance; and to our own inquiring hearts and minds for the inspiration of the Spirit.


Please see this link for more information on our church’s history.