Choir, • 3/7/24 Christ Church Los Altos, Easter Sunday, Eucharist Service, 4/9/2023 Hymn 207, Jesus Christ is risen today 6:25 - 9:54 Next Christ Church Los Altos, The Fifteeenth Sunday After Pentecost, Eucharist Services, 9/10/2023/ You Might Also Like Christ Church Los Altos, The Fifteeenth Sunday After Pentecost, Eucharist Services, 9/10/2023/ Christ Church Los Altos, Lessons & Carols, Eucharist Service, 12/11/22 Convivium Chamber Chorus presents "Reaching for Light"
Choir, • 3/7/24 Christ Church Los Altos, Easter Sunday, Eucharist Service, 4/9/2023 Hymn 207, Jesus Christ is risen today 6:25 - 9:54 Next Christ Church Los Altos, The Fifteeenth Sunday After Pentecost, Eucharist Services, 9/10/2023/ You Might Also Like Christ Church Los Altos, The Fifteeenth Sunday After Pentecost, Eucharist Services, 9/10/2023/ Christ Church Los Altos, Lessons & Carols, Eucharist Service, 12/11/22 Convivium Chamber Chorus presents "Reaching for Light"