This Sunday
Spoken Service of Holy Eucharist (Rite I) at 8:00 a.m. - IN PERSON
Childcare is offered from 10:00-11:45 a.m. in the Chapel (turn right coming out of the church, go down the stairs, and the Chapel will be on your right). Children must be signed in before 10:30 a.m.
Holy Eucharist (Rite II) at 10:15 a.m. - IN PERSON AND ON ZOOM
There are two ways to attend remotely, choose the way that works best for you (this is a recurring Zoom gathering and information to join a Sunday service does not change).
Join via computer
Click this link: https://zoom.us/j/96264812182?pwd=Y3RTNUhkWjVhVmpRQ0FlNzRxV3QvQT0
Meeting ID: 962 6481 2182; Passcode: 435537
Join via phone
Dial the phone number for your time zone: 1-669-900-9128 (Local / Pacific); 1-346-248-7799 (Mountain); 1-312-626-6799 (Central); 1-646-558-8656 (Eastern)
Enter this information when prompted: Meeting ID: 962 6481 2182, Passcode: 435537
Coffee Hour: For those of you worshipping in person on Sunday, we will have a social hour following the 10:15 a.m. service in the Fireside Room (immediately to your right when entering the Parish Hall). Those of you worshipping remotely are invited to stay online after the service and visit.