Separation, by Shelby McQuilkin
This Saturday please join Christ Episcopal Church and Congergation Beth Am for After Roe: A Interfaith Havdalah Service for losing Abortion Access. Havdalah, in Jewish tradition, marks a moment of separation. In our country, we are marking a very significant separation: the separation from one way of being with abortion access in this country — for nearly fifty years — and another. Separation between a country where abortion was the legal law of this land to a country where this is no longer so. Separation between a country where women held fundamental rights to bodily autonomy to one where their freedoms are imperiled in many states. As Shabbat draws to a close this week, we will join with interfaith communities in the ritual of Havdalah, creating a space to mourn, to sing, to pray, to connect, and to unite in solidarity. While we recognize that perspectives on abortion vary in the Church, there are many in our community who are disappointed, angry, and grieving. This service offers a space to remember that we are not alone, to comfort one another and to stand together, committing to the daunting work that lies yet before us.
This liturgy will be held outdoors at Congregation Beth Am (26790 Arastradero Road, Los Altos Hills, CA 94022) and will also be available via Livestream either on their site or through their YouTube channel. The event will appear just before the service starts.