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Bobby Jo Valentine in Concert

On Friday, February 21, 7:00-8:30 p.m., Bobby Jo Valentine will be performing a free concert at All Saints Episcopal Church (555 Waverley Street, Palo Alto). His music exists outside the lines of any genre, but the music’s thoughtful, spirit focused lyrics and catchy melodies reach listeners across all walks of life. Bobby has found a voice with original, hopeful songs about the gentle everyday spiritual awakenings of an openhearted life. Along with theaters, house concerts, and many other kinds of stages, he is often invited to offer his stories and songs at faith communities around the nation. Bobby’s music has won Song of the Year twice at West Coast Songwriter’s Association, and his work has appeared on radio, TV, and feature films. He has performed artist residencies, hosted songwriting workshops, and been involved in helping communities of all types use their spaces and voice in more creative and powerful ways. Register for free tickets here.

February 20

Women’s Read-What-You-Want Book Club

February 25

Eucharist Service at The Forum