Grief is a deeply personal journey, often sparked by loss or change, and can even surface in times of celebration. Rev. Cal Payne-Taylor and Minister Alice Kochunov invite you to join them on Sunday, November 17, 12:00-2:00 p.m. in the chapel for a workshop where we will hold space for grief within our beloved Christ Church community. Through shared stories, liturgy, and contemplation, we open to support, hope, and nourishment, even in the loneliest stretches of grief's wilderness. We’ll begin our time with a potluck lunch, inviting participants to bring a dish that honors a departed loved one and to share the story behind it. After a time of fellowship and mutual nourishment, we’ll delve into an exercise we call “Cartography of the Heart,” mapping the complex terrain of our unique grief journeys. We’ll name and honor the experiences in our lives that are laden with both joy and grief, creating meditative space for the holy ambiguities that come with being human. Affirming our collective wisdom, resilience, grief and joy, we’ll conclude with A Liturgy of Shadow and Light, a new service drawn from the liturgical richness of our Episcopal tradition. To help with planning, please email Rev. Cal ( if you plan to attend.