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Guest Preacher: The Rev. Dr. Scot Sherman

We’re delighted to welcome the Rev. Dr. Scot Sherman, Executive Director of Newbigin House of Studies, an ecumenical study center and affiliate of the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, as our guest preacher on Sunday, May 22nd. Rev. Scot has pastored congregations in New York, Atlanta, and San Francisco, and has spent much of his ministry planting new churches or helping churches flourish. He is the Project Executive for Vital+Thriving Congregations, a Diocesan initiative in which Christ Church will be taking part over the next three years, and if you’ve had a chance to listen to the Vital and Thriving Podcast, you’ve heard him co-hosting those with our own Rev. Claire! We hope you can join us, in person of from home, to hear him preach the word on the 22nd.

May 21

Beethoven Birthday Bash

June 4
