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City of Los Altos: All Affordable Housing Unit - Community Meeting


Santa Clara County and the City of Los Altos have agreed to build an all-affordable 90-unit housing project at 330 Distel Circle. The League of Women Voters co-sponsored a community meeting on January 27th, where 65 attendees offered mostly supportive comments. All questions asked will be included in a FAQ to be posted on the City’s website:

The project developer will be chosen by a County/City team in March, with Board of Supervisors and City Council approval expected in April. Construction is expected to start in December 2022 with occupancy in January 2025.

Come attend the second community meeting! To join, go to the website above. We urge everyone to support this housing, Los Altos’ first all-affordable development.

January 31

Annual Gathering

February 24

History of Local African Americans Focus of History Museum's Program