We begin a new Adult Forum series, "A Mixed Ecology of the Christian Biosphere," on Sunday, February 2, 9:00-10:00 a.m., between services in person in the Fireside Room.
The premise of this series is that expressions of Christianity are a richly varied garden of belief and practice, rather than a monocrop predominating our spiritual landscape. And so, as we cultivate our life in Christ together, we can faithfully come alongside one another across generative differences in theology, worship, and spirituality. In this series, we will hear from members of the Christ Church community whose faith has been informed by a range of Christian expressions beyond the Episcopal Church. We will learn about the bountiful riches of these traditions, acknowledging that we may be called to different places in different seasons. Join us as we celebrate our faithful diversity and reflect on the ways that our unique backgrounds support our shared life in Christ. For it is our mixed ecology that brings us to an abundant harvest of prayer, service, and joy here at Christ Church. Childcare is available in the chapel.