The Parent Book Club from our parish school Ventana is welcoming Dr. Robert Brooks for a presentation and discussion on May 3 at 3:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall (Dr. Brooks will be joining via Zoom). The parent book club read Dr. Brooks’ most recent book, Tenacity in Children: Nurturing the Seven Instincts for Lifetime Success and are excited to bring him to our campus to discuss tenacity in children and share insights from his work. A warm invitation is extended to all Christ Church parishioners to join!
Dr. Robert Brooks is one of today’s leading speakers and authors on the themes of resilience, motivation, school climate, a positive work environment, and family relationships. During the past 40 years, Dr. Brooks has presented nationally and internationally to thousands of parents, educators, mental health professionals, and business people. His talks are filled with practical, realistic suggestions and he is renowned for the warmth and humor he uses to bring his insights and anecdotes to life. To help with setting up chairs for seating, please add your name here if you are planning to attend.