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Final Bishop Slate and Deanery Meet & Greets

The nomination period has ended and the final slate of candidates for the Ninth Bishop of the Diocese California is The Rev. Canon Augusta Anne Anderson (Canon to the Ordinary of the Diocese of Western North Carolina), The Rev. Phil Brochard (rector of All Souls Episcopal Church in Berkeley), and The Rev. Austin K. Rios (rector of St. Paul's Within the Walls). At this point in the process, additional information on each candidate is made available on the Bishop Search page here, including a summary of experience, as well as materials the nominees submitted with their original application including their resumes and their responses to essay questions. Between November 2nd and 5th, each of the deaneries in our diocese will host a Meet & Greet with all three of the candidates. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend at least one of these events! The Meet & Greet for the Peninsula Deanery will take place on Friday, November 3, 7:00-9:00 p.m. at Trinity Church, Menlo Park. The event will also be streamed at You can learn more on the Bishop Search page and submit a question to be asked of the candidates at the Meet & Greets here.

October 29

Schola Cantorum Presents: I Was Glad!

November 5

Make a Joyful Noise - Hymn Singalong!