The Seventh Day of Christmas

For the seventh day of Christmas, we share Peter Warlock’s setting of the medieval poem “Adam lay ybounden,” performed by soprano Kimberly Johnson and organist Eric Tuan.

The 14th-century poem “Adam lay ybounden” reflects on the story of Adam and Eve. Although the fall condemned humankind to sin, if Adam had never eaten the apple, “Mary would never have been our heavenly queen!” The setting is by Peter Warlock, the early 20th-century English composer and music critic best known for his contributions to the English art song and choral literature. Although his unconventional and bohemian lifestyle provoked much comment in the musical world, Warlock was also known for his pioneering transcriptions of early music and his musical journalism. His setting of “Adam lay ybounden” opens with a deceptive simplicity before surprising the listener with startling and colorful harmonic turns.


The Eighth Day of Christmas


The Sixth Day of Christmas