The Twelfth Day of Christmas
Celebrate the twelfth day of Christmas with a parish favorite, Shawn Kirchner’s rousing arrangement of the Epiphany hymn “Brightest and Best.”
The Eleventh Day of Christmas
Today’s carol is a new take on a familiar favorite: cellist Robin Snyder’s gorgeous rendition of “Panis Angelicus.”
The Tenth Day of Christmas
Today’s carol is a favorite of the Parish Choir: Gustav Holst’s haunting setting of “Lullay my liking.”
The Ninth Day of Christmas
Ring in 2021 with the joyful carol “Ding! dong! merrily on high,” sung by the Parish Choir.
The Eighth Day of Christmas
Ring in the New Year with one of our parish’s favorite carols: Craig Hella Johnson’s arrangement of “Lo, how a rose e’er blooming / The Rose.”
The Seventh Day of Christmas
Today’s carol is short and sweet: Peter Warlock’s setting of the medieval poem “Adam lay ybounden.”
The Sixth Day of Christmas
Today’s carol features flautist Vivian Boudreaux Mikasa playing a lively arrangement of “God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen.”
The Fifth Day of Christmas
Today’s carol is a gorgeous art song by the 20th-century Black American composer Florence B. Price, “Song to the Dark Virgin.”
The Fourth Day of Christmas
Today’s carol is Adolphus Hailstork’s fiery organ toccata on “O Come, O Come Emmanuel.”
The Third Day of Christmas
A little Bach for today’s carol, played masterfully by trumpeter Christopher Wilhite.
The Second Day of Christmas
Today’s carol was brought to us by one of our choristers who grew up singing it in England: Michael Head’s “The Little Road to Bethlehem.”
The First Day of Christmas
Our first carol is a virtual choir rendition of the beloved hymn “O come, all ye faithful.”
The Twelve Days of Christmas
Watch this spot for a new carol each day of the Christmas season!