Whether you've read Life Worth Living: A Guide to What Matters Most, written by three theologians from Yale Divinity School, or are simply interested in the questions it raises - What makes a life good? How would a good life feel? - all are welcome to a discussion of the book's major themes on Friday, August 25 at 2:00 p.m. either in the Fireside Room or online via Zoom. If you're considering attending but not sure, I encourage you to check out this handout with a series of questions meant to invite reflection on where we each are relative to our values, beliefs, and goals. If nothing else, taking a few moments to sit with these questions will stimulate some deep reflection - whether or not you can join us for the discussion! If you'd like to know more about the book but can't read it, here's a great interview by Kate Bowler with author Mirslov Volf, and another from Kelly Corrigan Wonders with all the authors. All are welcome!
Join via Zoom
Click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86431662141?pwd=YWFKb0V4VnBpMWpZS0FTNy9KUUtCUT09
Meeting ID: 864 3166 2141; Passcode: 381984